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11 May 2022

Are you overlooking temp workers' CVs for permanent roles?

Ever asked an excellent temp worker to stay on as a permanent member of staff? Many employers go down this ‘temp to perm’ route with a temp worker who’s proved themselves extremely capable. They’ve had a chance to see how they fit within the team, so it removes any risk of hiring someone untested.

But unfortunately, candidates who have a lot of temp work on their CVs don’t always have the same luck if they’re applying for a permanent position, unknown, and from outside a company.

Some employers worry that temps might struggle to adapt to doing things differently in a permanent role. Or perhaps there are question marks over whether they could commit long-term to a position.

The fact is that more and more people have temporary work experience. According to the latest figures, the number of temp workers has increased from just over 1.45 million in January 2020 to just under 1.7 million in February 2022.

So at HR GO our message is clear: with current candidate shortages it seems unwise to overlook this potentially huge talent pool. This is whether your business is in industrial and manufacturing; office and professional; contact centre, or any of the other sectors we recruit for.

Temping might have suited candidates in the past

At HR GO we find great candidates for both temp and permanent roles. We know that many people turn to temping when they need built-in flexibility. That includes looking for work that fits around caring or childcare commitments. Are you able to find a flexible permanent solution for them? Temping can also suit students or those who are keen to get back to employment after an extended break.

Temping can also be a way to get on the career ladder while gaining valuable skills and experience without the educational qualifications some roles ask for. These temp workers might feel hampered by their lack of formal qualifications and may feel stuck in the temp box. They could be particularly interested in switching to a permanent role.

Whatever the case, none of these are reasons that someone with a lot of temp experience on their CV doesn’t have what it takes to fill a permanent role. It's about asking when the time is right for them. That time could be now, and it just takes your enquiry to help them make that realisation.

Temping gives candidates a chance to try different sectors

Many people also try temping to explore sectors that they might want to spend more time in. Short-term contracts can enable candidates to ‘try before they buy’ and test out different businesses and areas of work first.

This often means that candidates with CVs full of temp experience who apply for permanent roles are more likely to actively want to work in that chosen sector. They’ve had the chance to find out for themselves what suits them as well as what doesn’t suit them.

Temping gives candidates valuable skills

In recruitment, there’s a lot of talk about ‘transferable skills’. Here’s why people with extensive temping experience aren’t short of these:

  • Many temp roles take place in fast-paced and busy environments, where the ability to work under pressure is crucial.
  • There are also plenty of chances for honing teamwork skills. This is particularly in teams with a high turnover. New colleagues often need to quickly find common ground in order to get the work done efficiently.
  • Temping means acquiring new skills fast and this could be invaluable in your business.
  • Working in diverse workplaces gives temps lots of opportunity to discover systems that really work and just as importantly, those that don't. They can bring this valuable insight to your business too.

The skills temps must hone under pressure can be hugely valuable for a long-term team, and in turn your business.

Look beyond ‘temp to perm’

Getting to know temp workers already working in your business can be a fantastic way to get to discover new permanent talent. But it’s time to take a fresh look at temp workers you haven’t yet met, too.

We believe that candidates who’ve taken on a variety of contracts for different employers and different sectors can be a stand-out positive for your team.

And with many sectors facing candidate shortages, welcoming applications from short-term workers could be a way for your business to thrive for far longer than the average temp contract.

As always, we're here to help if you're struggling to find candidates. Please contact your closest branch office for local recruitment needs or our National Sales team for regional or national needs.

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