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29 Nov 2023

Meet our latest intern: Chloe Mitchell

Chloe Mitchell interned with HR GO during the Summer, and here are the questions we asked her on how she's enjoyed her time with us: 

How have you spent your time at HR GO?

At HR GO, I have spent my time working on a report which details environmental and carbon reporting, and sustainable procurement. Alongside this, I have been attending meetings, visiting several other branches, and creating a Carbon Reduction Plan. 

What have you learned here?

I have learnt how to produce a report, find out financial information about a company, how to determine the carbon emissions of a company, and much more. I have also learnt a lot more about what it would be like to work in a business environment, which has been very beneficial for me. 

What was the highlight?

The highlight was when I presented my report to The Board of HR GO. I was able to see all of my hard work pay off and the influence I made within the company.

If you're interested in applying for an internship with HR GO, check with your university.