Restrictions vary depending on your location. See here for all the latest Government Advice -
Please note: You are expected to comply with requests to wear masks in the workplace. Failure to do so may result in being removed from the assignment.
The NHS Test and Trace system launched on 1st June 2020. It forms part of the Government’s coronavirus recovery strategy. The test and trace service:
There is also an app available to download that helps you check into places you visit:
To help reduce the risk of spread of infection in the workplace you must continue to:
You may be told to isolate because you:
If you are told to self isolate you must not attend site and must inform your consultant.
**Close recent contact means within 2 metres for 15 minutes or longer.
By following this and the current guidance (see below) you will be protecting your family, friends, colleagues and other people around you and this will help play a part in stopping the spread of the virus.
More information is available from the Government website here:
Your consultant will issue you with a document to confirm that you are a key-worker if required. They can also provide return to work documents following a period of self-isolation.
When attending work and travelling please keep to government and NHS guidelines, these include:-
The Government have recently announced that SSP will be paid from day one.
You must tell your Consultant as soon as possible if you cannot attend work and the reasons why. We appreciate that many may be required to self-isolate if any of their household shows the following symptoms:
Current Government advice is for yourself and your household to self-isolate for 10 days if you have any symptoms (however mild), regardless of whether you’ve been advised by NHS 111 or any of your household.
The NHS online certification tool is now live and can be accessed by using the following web link.
You will receive an email and be able to download a copy for onward distribution to the nominated person in which you would normally send any such documents.
We appreciate that these are unusual times and you may be feeling anxious or worried about the situation you are in. The following websites offer advice on how you can look after yourself and protect your mental health:
Please click the links below for more information: