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Temporary Workers Handbook

General Rules: Health & Safety

Your good health is important to us and we encourage you to take steps to maintain good physical and mental health.

Workers and employers have duties and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. As a temporary worker you have a duty to take care of your own health and safety, as well as that of others who may be affected by your actions. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarise yourself with all the health and safety information which the client provides you with at induction and at all other times.

If you do come across any factors that you feel may affect your health and safety at work or you have any concerns, please bring it to the attention of your line manager at your place of work immediately.

When you commence work at the client’s premises it is the responsibility of your line manager or Health and Safety Officer, or both, to advise you on the following points:

  • What to do in the event of a fire
  • The location of fire exits
  • The location of fire extinguishers
  • The location of assembly points
  • Alarm systems
  • First aid procedures and officers/appointed persons/responsible persons
  • Use of the accident book
  • Client site rules
  • Importance of understanding and complying with risk assessments 

Please let your consultant know immediately if you have any health and safety concerns.

Accidents at Work 

If you have an accident at work, however trivial, report it to your line manager and make sure it is entered in the accident book located at your place of work. Ensure that you also pass details of the accident to your consultant by telephoning them immediately. This is to enable them to keep a record. If you cannot find your consultant's telephone number, it should be available from your local branch which you can access from the branch finder page here on our website.

It is a legal requirement under Health and Safety Regulations to record all accidents that happen in the workplace.

Night Work 

A night worker is someone who normally works for ‘three or more hours a night’ between the hours of 11pm and 6am.

If you work nights you will be required to complete a health questionnaire in order to ensure your suitability for this type of work.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states that you should be offered, at least once a year, the opportunity to see a health professional for a medical examination. You are under no obligation to take this medical, which is normally provided through a general practitioner (GP).

Induction Training 

The client is responsible for your induction training and will make you aware of risk assessments that are appropriate to your job. Your place of work should have already been risk assessed so that we are sure the environment is a safe place for you to work.