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Temporary Workers Handbook

Modern Day Slavery

Helpline - 08000 121 700

The Modern Day Slavery Helpline is fully independent, completely confidential and free to call. You can learn more about modern slavery and labour exploitation from where you can also submit reports online. A comprehensive guide on how to spot the signs of modern slavery is also available on their website.

Stronger Together

Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder business-led initiative aiming to reduce modern slavery particularly forced labour, labour trafficking and other hidden third party exploitation of workers. Stronger Together provides guidance, training, resources and a network for employers, labour providers, workers and their representatives to work together to reduce exploitation.

HRGO is a business partner of Stronger Together. You can read our modern day slavery policy statement here.


Migrant Help

Helpline - 0141 884 7900 (daytime) 0141 212 8553 (out of hours)

Migrant Help are there to help protect people affected by displacement and exploitation. Their core services include: